Announcement of Artist Studio Goppo Artist's in Residence programme
We are extremely happy to announce our first Artist in residence, Nanna Krogh Lauritsen, Denmark
Nanna will join us this Oct & will be with us till mid-Nov. She will share her works at the end of her residency.
Here is the introduction of the Artist
Nanna Krogh Lauritsen
(*1984 in Holstebro, Denmark) studied at the Copenhagen Film and Photo School, the Glasgow School of Art and holds a BFA in Photography from the Valand Academy of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. She also completed a theory-based master's programme at the Photographic History Research Centre at De Montfort University in Leicester, UK. In her practical work, she negotiates the possibilities of visualising photographic materiality in the context of image production.
Proposed Project: “Within the surface”.
Lately, I have been truly inspired when I have seen images in photographic archives that are affected by silver mirroring. I can not help think that it looks amazing and that it is something that has been hiding underneath the image surface since the photograph was made and now it has come up to the surface due to degradation caused by air pollution and moisture. What else is hiding within such surfaces of photographs? What else do surfaces contain? When looking at photographs, you are always looking on/at the surface, but what is hidden beneath the surface or within the surface? What kind of photographs can be called into existence when interfering with the photographic material/surface itself? It is thoughts and questions like these which lay the ground for what I want to investigate further at Studio Goppo.

My interest keeps on circling around visualisation of photographic materiality as an artistic strategy and so far my attention has mainly been turned towards the qualities of the paper, but I would like to expand my material interest and turn to the chemical aspect of image-making in collaboration with the material surface aspect. Therefore I see great possibilities in learning more about the silver gelatin emulsion process and ambrotypes. What I want to do within my project is to turn my attention towards what bears a photograph; that is, the image surface. But I do not want the photograph to carry any recognisable image - instead, I want it to carry its own pure consistency, its own materiality. It is to reflect upon itself and what it is made of. It is to evert itself. I have several ideas and areas I would like to investigate but all circles around what lies within the material surface of a photograph.